For all Pets

Personalized, professional, and comprehensive care for any type of pets – all in one place.


About us

Dedicated to your pet

Our mission is to make pet care easier for owners. Frendo is a team of dedicated animal experts and enthusiasts.

Frendo aplikacija

Efficient and easy

Frendo aplikacija

Frendo is an innovative application that provides easy access to all services necessary for the health and well-being of your pet. The app is safe and efficient and provides personalized care to your furry friend.


Source of Knowledge

Explore Frendopedia, an encyclopedia of trusted pet knowledge created by our experts. This is the place where you can find all the important information and get useful tips.


Expertise, experience and attention

Have no worries, with Frendo you won't be alone ever again. Our team of experienced experts, professors, specialists, and doctors of veterinary medicine is ready to provide you and your pet with professional help at any time. Share your worries and doubts with them and receive their attention, expertise, and experience.


Current affairs and News

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events, from pet shows to charity events.


Explore new opportunities!

Together, we can work towards improving the quality of life for all pets and their owners. Regardless of whether you run a veterinary practice, a pet shop, a grooming salon, a hotel for pets, or have a product or service that can enhance the well-being of pets, you've come to the right place.