General Terms and Conditions



The terms of use represent provisions that define the manner and conditions under which the services of the Frendo platform, owned and/or managed and/or utilized by PROF.ANI d.o.o., can be used.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. is a business entity based in Belgrade, located at Marije Bursać Street No. 32, which owns the electronic platform whose usage manner is the subject of these Terms of Use.


is a database that enables the provision of data and services transmitted via an electronic network, ensuring network access or data storage, owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o., and is exclusively used for advertising and mediation between interested users. (Hereinafter referred to as: Frendo).


A service is used for any of the services provided remotely through electronic data processing and storage equipment, upon the personal request of the service user, generally provided for a fee, and is available on the platform.


A service user is a legal or natural person who uses the services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o. through its platform.


A service provider is a natural or legal person who provides a service, which is available for a fee on the platform enabled by PROF.ANI d.o.o.


is a term in these Terms of Use referring to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine, who will be engaged for providing online consultations, home visits, and receptions in veterinary clinics.


The database, i.e., the entire content of this platform, is owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o., and is exclusively used for advertising and mediation between interested users.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. can modify the scope of its services available on the platform at any time.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. is the owner of the platform and applications connected to this platform through which service providers, together, form a partner network developed by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

Service providers can provide services to service users through video calls (online consultations) and Internet counseling via the platform.

Service users will be able to order services to be performed in the future, either once or repeatedly, through a software solution with a prepaid fee.

Service users are obliged to act responsibly, without abuse, and according to all instructions received when using the software while using the services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

The platform aims to facilitate market access specialized for pets by containing a database and offering a variety of services for their owners and professionals in the veterinary field.

The services offered on the electronic platform Frendo are intended for pets and their owners. The platform aims to facilitate market access specialized for pets by containing a database and offering a variety of products and services for their owners from professionals in the veterinary field. All provisions in these Terms of Use pertain to the provision of services related to pets (veterinary services, pet care, and welfare, etc.).


The use of the services of this platform implies that the service user has tacitly agreed, automatically accepted, and committed to adhering to the prescribed rules in the Terms of Use.

By using the services of this platform, the service user expressly declares that they have read, fully understood, and accepted the Terms of Use, and has willingly decided to order services through the Frendo electronic platform.

The service user agrees that in case of a dispute, the court in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, will have jurisdiction.

The service user declares that they understand all the terms used in these Terms of Use and is aware that they can find the exact meaning of each term using an internet search engine.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. reserves the right to change and update the Terms of Use. Changes and updates are effective immediately upon publication or as regulated by the changes and updates themselves.

When creating an account or using the services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o., the instructions accompanying the specific service must be followed. Instructions may be presented during account creation, during service usage, as well as upon termination of the same, and in communications with the service providers on the platform.

The name PROF.ANI d.o.o., the FRENDO logo, or presentation design, or any distinctive logos or intellectual property rights cannot be used for personal purposes, commercial exploitation, personal financial gain or the financial gain of others, or for purposes contrary to the reason any of the mentioned elements were published, without obtaining written consent.

These Terms of Use are originally written in Serbian. In case of conflict with versions in other languages, the Serbian version is valid and legally binding.


The service user is obligated to follow the procedures and other rules for using the services provided on the platform. The service user understands and accepts that PROF.ANI d.o.o. solely enables the use of the platform and does not guarantee the quality of the services, nor does it participate in the execution of the services, and therefore cannot be held responsible for dissatisfaction or any damage the service user may suffer.

The service user agrees that PROF.ANI d.o.o. is not responsible for the quality, timeliness, and punctuality of obligations fulfilled by legal or natural persons engaged by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

The service user agrees that PROF.ANI d.o.o. is not responsible for any damage resulting from actions taken by persons engaged by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

The service user agrees not to access the services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o. by any other means than through the platform, as the accepted method of providing such services, or in a manner consistent with the nature of performing such services.

The service user agrees to use the services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o. exclusively in accordance with the law, and that PROF.ANI d.o.o. may deny contact or provision of services if the behavior of the service user is contrary to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia, the Terms of Use, established moral norms, and in accordance with the Code of established social values.

The service user agrees not to use the content from the services and interactions without the express permission obtained from PROF.ANI d.o.o.

The service user agrees that PROF.ANI d.o.o. may send them information, administrative notifications, advertisements of its services, personal and generic messages.

The service user can discontinue the use of services provided by PROF.ANI d.o.o. at any time, but cannot discontinue the execution of a service for which they have already submitted a request, except in situations provided for in these Terms of Use.

The service user will be able to order the offered services through the electronic platform for a prepaid fee.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. is the owner of the Frendo electronic platform and applications connected to this platform, through which veterinarians and other engaged persons, as well as other service providers, form a service network developed by PROF.ANI d.o.o. Veterinarians and engaged persons provide services to users via video calls (online consultations) through the platform or applications. Using the platform and related applications enables users to easily and quickly reach the selected veterinarian or service provider and receive fast and quality service through the Frendo platform, in accordance with the highest professional standards.

Using the Frendo platform, users can quickly and easily schedule online consultations with a veterinarian or engaged person, schedule home visits by veterinarians and professionals, receive guidance and organization for examinations, or use any other service within the content of the Frendo platform.

By accessing the Frendo platform and using its content as well as applications connected to the platform, users confirm their agreement with these Terms of Use, the privacy policy, and all other rules and protocols prescribed by these Terms of Use.

The platform’s content does not constitute precise advice or professional opinion from a veterinarian or any service provider on the platform and in no case can it be understood or applied as such.

Professional advice and opinions from veterinarians can only be obtained from veterinarians during online consultations or visits to clinics, and the same applies to advice from other engaged persons.


Through this platform and the applications it develops, Frendo allows its partners, who form a unique network of veterinary clinics and hospitals, to have their veterinarians and engaged persons provide users with necessary consulting and veterinary services via online consultations or home visits, in accordance with the highest standards of the veterinary profession, as well as other services available on the Frendo platform, respecting all the rights of service users.

PROF.ANI d.o.o., as the owner of the platform, does not provide professional services but through organizational solutions only enables veterinarians and other engaged staff in partner institutions to contact users via the Frendo platform, give them advice through online consultations, provide veterinary services in the clinic, or refer and organize necessary examinations and analyses in one of the partner clinics, or any other service offered through the platform.

For users, this means that through the Frendo platform and related applications, they can quickly and easily reach the desired veterinarian and engaged persons and receive professional veterinary advice or another service. Additionally, users can receive recommendations and assistance in organizing examinations or performing necessary laboratory analyses in one of the partner clinics or laboratories.

All veterinarians and engaged persons, who are independently and/or by any of the partner clinics, are required to provide all services to users through the Frendo platform professionally and conscientiously, in accordance with the law, all applicable regulations, professional codes, and rules of professional ethics.


To register on the Frendo platform, it is necessary to create an account by entering a name, surname, email, or other necessary information in a specified form.

Minors, as well as persons under guardianship, cannot have accounts on the Frendo platform. Veterinary services and services from engaged persons for them can be requested by their parents or guardians through their accounts in a manner regulated by the Terms of Use.

By registering, the service user accepts the Terms of Use and guarantees that all provided information is accurate at any time of platform use. The service user guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during registration on the platform, the accuracy of the information given for scheduling online consultations or home visits, the accuracy of the information given to veterinarians and engaged persons for conducting consultations, veterinary examinations, as well as all other information provided by the service user to use the services of the Frendo platform.

PROF.ANI d.o.o., partner veterinary clinics, veterinarians, engaged persons, and business partners will not bear any responsibility for the damage suffered by the service user due to veterinary errors or inadequately provided services if any other service offered through the platform was not provided or performed adequately, if it occurred because the service user provided inaccurate information.


Users under the age of 18, i.e., minors, cannot independently use the services on the Frendo platform, nor the services enabled by applications owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

On behalf of and for the account of a minor, the service can be requested by the minor’s parent or legal guardian. If parents or legal guardians request an online consultation with a veterinarian on behalf of and for the account of a minor, they must inform the veterinarian at the beginning of the consultation that the consultation is requested on behalf of and for the account of the minor, i.e., their pet. Additionally, they must be present during the consultation in a way that they are visible to the service provider at all times.

On behalf of a person who, for any reason, is unable to use the Frendo electronic platform, an online consultation with a veterinarian or engaged persons can be scheduled by a close family member, but they must clearly state to the veterinarian that the consultation is requested for another person and provide the name and surname of the person for whom the consultation is requested, as well as the reason why they are requesting the consultation on behalf of that person (e.g., the person for whom the consultation is requested is too old, electronically illiterate, or for some reason has limited or revoked business capacity, and the person requesting the consultation is their guardian).


PROF.ANI d.o.o. grants a limited, non-transferable, and clearly defined right to access the Frendo platform and use the services available in the manner established by these Terms of Use and all other rules and agreements that the service user accepts when using the platform.

The platform can only be used by adults. The manner of use adapted for minors, persons under guardianship, and electronically illiterate persons is described in the section that regulates this issue.

Every user who requests the services of any veterinarian or engaged persons using the Frendo platform and applications is required to respect the personality of the one they have contacted. The user’s behavior must not be such that during online consultations or home visits it insults, humiliates, or threatens any of the veterinarians or engaged persons.

If a user exhibits inappropriate behavior, they will be sanctioned in accordance with the law.

The service user is required to use the platform in accordance with legal regulations and the Terms of Use.

The service user must not: (I) misuse the right to use services on the platform; (II) use the platform on behalf of others except when they want to use the platform as a parent, guardian, or to assist an electronically illiterate close family member in the manner established by these Terms of Use; (III) provide inaccurate or false information.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. will use all necessary technical and legal means to prevent any misuse of the platform. Anyone attempting to misuse the platform in any way will be immediately blocked without the possibility of further use of the platform.

If anyone causes damage to PROF.ANI d.o.o., veterinarians, engaged persons, or any of the partners by misusing the platform, they will be sanctioned in accordance with the law.


The prices of all services provided on the electronic platform Frendo are always clearly visible. All prices are displayed before ordering the service so that the user can make an informed decision about ordering the service. By this, the user confirms that they will pay the amount they are already familiar with and based on which they are ordering the service.

The service user is obliged to provide accurate details of their payment card when paying.

Funds in the amount of the requested consultation fee will be debited from the service user’s account at the time when they establish a connection with the veterinarian or engaged persons via the platform, or when they reserve a time slot for the desired online consultation and/or clinic visit on the platform or application.


By payment card on the Platform (DinaCard, Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express), the user needs to enter the payment card details on the designated payment instructions.

If the transaction is completed, the user will be notified that the reservation of funds in the amount of the created order has been successfully processed. By accepting these General Terms and pre-contractual information, the user agrees that funds in the amount of the created order are reserved for them at the moment of initial ordering, and that their payment card is charged for the amount from their account for the completed purchase. At the time of ordering the service when the provider’s invoice is issued, the reserved funds will be debited from the card, i.e., the card account debit transaction is executed.

Payment card data is stored on a secure protected page and is not available to other parties in the payment process. Payment card data is never available to the electronic Platform at any time, including the situation when a registered user saves the used payment card on their user account.


All payments will be made in the local currency of the Republic of Serbia – dinar (RSD). For informational display of prices in other currencies, the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia is used. The amount to be charged to the user’s payment card will be expressed in the local currency through conversion at the rate used by card organizations, which cannot be known at the time of the transaction. As a result of this conversion, there may be a slight difference from the original price listed on the website.


Information about customer service and contact details can be found in the contact section on the Frendo platform. For all necessary information regarding services, information regarding service payment, and complaints, the service user can contact the customer center of the electronic platform Frendo.


The user is obliged to ensure a good internet connection in order to use the services on the platform. If the service is not executed for some technical reasons, the user has the right to subsequently use the already paid appointment. Cancellation of scheduled services is possible up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, and in that case, the user retains the right to subsequently use the already paid appointment.


If cancellation occurs within a period shorter than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment date and time, the amount paid will not entitle the user to subsequently use the appointment on the same basis. More about the rules for canceling appointments can be found in the section that regulates the cancellation of scheduled appointments.


The principle of operation of the Frendo platform reflects the obligation to preserve the privacy of all service users. Only necessary, basic data about service users and data necessary for business operations and informing users are collected in accordance with good business practices and in order to provide quality service. Service users have the option of choice, including the option to decide whether they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing campaigns. All data about service users is strictly kept and is only available to employees who require this data to perform their duties. All employees at PROF.ANI d.o.o. (and business partners) are responsible for respecting privacy protection principles.


I) CANCELLATION OF ONLINE CONSULTATIONS BY THE USER The service user has the right to cancel the scheduled online consultation with the veterinarian without stating a reason. Next to each scheduled appointment, there is a cancellation option that must be confirmed after selection. Treatment of funds depends on when the cancellation is requested:

  • If the scheduled consultation is canceled more than 24 hours before the start of the online consultation, the user retains the right to subsequently use the already paid appointment.
  • If the service user cancels the scheduled consultation less than 24 hours before the start of the online consultation, they do not acquire the right to reserve funds for subsequent appointment scheduling.

After selecting the cancellation option but before confirming it, the service user will be explicitly informed if a refund is not possible.

II) CANCELLATION OF ONLINE CONSULTATIONS BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER The service provider may cancel the online consultation that the service user has scheduled if they are unable to provide the service at the scheduled time.

If the veterinarian cancels the consultation that the service user previously scheduled, they will receive appropriate notification of the cancellation of the online consultation via the email provided by the service user during platform registration. The paid amount will be reserved for the service user for subsequent provision of the requested service in case of cancellation by the veterinarian, regardless of the time period in which the cancellation occurs.

For any additional information regarding changing appointments or canceling scheduled online consultations, you can contact us anytime via email at


At any time and for any reason, the service user may request the deactivation of their user account and cessation of using the Frendo platform.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. may deactivate or suspend the service user’s account and block their access to the platform for justified reasons in accordance with the law, other regulations, or its internal rules. The basis for deactivating and/or suspending an account is when the service user cancels or reschedules a scheduled appointment three times within 24 hours before the start of the online consultation.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. reserves the right, if deemed necessary, to disable access to the platform, delete and destroy all data provided or available in any way, and to remove and delete any communication the service user had with anyone via the platform. If such action is taken, PROF.ANI d.o.o. will inform the service user about it.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. reserves the exclusive right to amend these Terms of Use in line with its development and changed circumstances that may arise in business and business policy.

It is the service user’s obligation to check the Terms of Use each time they use the platform to be informed about possible changes and additions. Notice will be posted on this website about all significant changes within 30 days of the amendment, and if appropriate, by sending an email notification.


Services provided through the electronic platform Frendo by veterinarians and engaged individuals are solely of an advisory nature, and any suggestions provided represent advice given in accordance with the information provided or orally presented during online consultations, clinic visits, or home visits. If the condition of the service user’s pet requires a physical examination by veterinarians or engaged individuals at the clinic, the service user is obliged to contact the appropriate professional institution (of their choice, with the assistance of veterinarians and/or engaged individuals) or to schedule a veterinary examination at one of the partner clinics. Do not use platform services if the pet is unconscious, breathing extremely difficultly, in the case of an acute allergic reaction, extensive, uncontrolled bleeding, or any life-threatening condition, etc.

All service providers who provide services through the Frendo platform have obtained their education and licenses in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia. All services provided through the Frendo platform are provided in accordance with current laws and other regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

By contacting veterinarians and service providers through the Frendo platform, a special legal relationship is established between veterinarians and engaged individuals, or between service providers and service users, which is independent of the relationship between the company PROF.ANI d.o.o. and service users. PROF.ANI d.o.o. is not responsible for any damage that may occur during or in connection with the advisory and other work of veterinarians and other service providers through the Frendo electronic platform.


Although all contents of the Frendo platform and services available on the platform are visible and accessible worldwide, PROF.ANI d.o.o. does not guarantee that the services and contents found on the platform are applicable and adequate in all parts of the world.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. will make every effort to resolve any misunderstanding or disagreement with platform users in the best possible manner without resorting to legal means and lawsuits.

For any disputes that may arise between platform users on one side and PROF.ANI d.o.o. on the other side regarding services or content on the platform, the positive valid regulations of the Republic of Serbia will be applicable, and the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Serbia is agreed upon.


The Frendo platform and all content existing on the platform (all information, software, text, site layout, images, all video and audio recordings, the entire design of the platform, and applications related to the platform) are owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o. Belgrade and are protected in accordance with legal regulations governing copyright and intellectual property rights. The platform may be used in accordance with these Terms of Use, personally and exclusively for non-commercial purposes. Any unauthorized copying, distribution, public display, unauthorized downloading, storage, transmission, or misuse of portal or application content will be sanctioned in accordance with the Law.

In addition to the PROF.ANI d.o.o. company trademark, the Frendo electronic platform may also feature trademarks of partners, logos, or product names. Such marks and names may not be copied from the platform or used in any way.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. respects all privacy rules prescribed by applicable laws and regulations. Service providers offering online consultation services are obliged to comply with all legal regulations in their professional fields and adhere to the rules of codes of conduct and ethics.

Video recording and/or conversation between service providers and service users during online consultations are confidential and may disclose details of this conversation only in legally prescribed cases.

By using the platform or when the service user marks their acceptance of the Terms of Use by ticking the “I accept” box, the service user fully accepts these Terms of Use and thereby concludes a Contract for the use of the Frendo electronic platform. By accepting these Terms of Use, the service user undertakes to respect them each time they use the platform or any PROF.ANI d.o.o. application.

By accepting these Terms of Use, the service user has agreed to receive notifications about platform updates via email, SMS messages to the phone number provided, and through notifications on the service user’s mobile phone or tablet. The service user may withdraw their consent to receive notifications at any time by disabling notifications on their mobile device or by sending an email to:

PROF.ANI d.o.o. takes all necessary steps to secure data. All data is stored on encrypted servers, but if you use a private email for communication with service providers, PROF.ANI d.o.o. does not guarantee the security of communication via email.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. provides quality service via its platform, together with service providers, through the digital platform Frendo, in accordance with the highest professional standards.

This Privacy and Cookie Notice is made available to website visitors and platform users to understand how user’s personal information, as well as information provided during service usage, is used and distributed to partners.


The administrator of personal data is PROF.ANI d.o.o. Belgrade.

Access to the platform involves protecting the privacy of all platform users and visitors, as well as users of applications owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

Through a network of partnerships and professionals providing video call services via the platform, care is taken to protect personal information and confidential requests of service users.

Dedication to preserving and ensuring the security of personal data in the best possible way, by applying all technical, technological, and organizational measures in accordance with positive legal regulations, represents one of the fundamental principles.

The Privacy Policy informs website visitors and platform users, as well as users of applications owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o., about how personal data of users is collected and stored, information about platform visits, information about application usage, and how information provided by application users to service providers for advice is stored and used.

By providing personal data, users confirm acceptance of the Privacy and Cookie Notice and consent to the collection, processing, transfer, disclosure, and use of personal data as described in this Privacy Notice, data storage, and cookies (“Notice”).

Providing personal data constitutes acceptance of this notice.


PROF.ANI d.o.o. collects personal data from users as well as all necessary data for business and user information in accordance with good business practices and to provide quality service.

The data we collect includes:

  • Personal information: Information about an individual that enables their identification according to applicable laws, such as name, email address, municipality of residence (optional home address), and phone number.
  • Service type data: Information provided to veterinarians or service providers via the platform for consultations or consultations with staff in the Internet counseling center on the platform. These data may include: findings and reports, as well as any documentation submitted to veterinarians or other professionals, on behalf of a minor, persons under guardianship, and electronically illiterate persons.
  • Information about veterinarians and professionals: Information collected about veterinarians and professionals registering to provide services on the platform. This includes name, photo, title, specialization, license number, clinic name, and engagement contract number with PROF.ANI d.o.o. Location information for healthcare workers available on the home visit application is collected using location services on their mobile phones.
  • Payment data: Information about the method of payment, credit card details necessary for payment, employer details if the service is paid for by the employer, and all necessary data for successful payment execution.
  • Computer and mobile device data: Necessary information about your computer and mobile devices through which you access the electronic platform and Frendo application, collected via cookies. This includes information about the internet browsers you use and how you use the platform.


Data is collected via online forms on the platform, which are filled out to use the services of the electronic platform or schedule online consultations with selected veterinarians or professionals, as well as to schedule home visits by veterinarians and/or service providers. The information collected for the desired service from the platform includes name, phone number, municipality of residence (optional home address), and email address. Additionally, health status and medical data may be provided, as explained, or payment and computer/mobile device data may be collected according to this Privacy Policy. By providing personal data during platform usage and accepting the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, consent is given for personal data to be used in accordance with the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and this Notice by PROF.ANI d.o.o.

All other data that the user directly provides to the selected service provider during the consultation, which does not fall under the above-mentioned data, is provided voluntarily by the user, who assumes responsibility for such disclosure.

Service providers enter their personal data into online forms to provide adequate information about themselves and their expertise, as well as to establish contact with platform users.

By filling out the forms provided for service providers and accepting the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, service providers consent to the use of their data in accordance with the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and this Notice by PROF.ANI d.o.o. Service providers are responsible, in accordance with professional rules and ethics, for all personal and other data of users that are not collected on the platform and are provided to them during online consultations in the Internet counseling center or in any other way, for the purpose of conducting online consultations and providing expert opinions and advice. The location of service providers is collected from their mobile device only when they are available to provide home visit services on the FRENDO application.


We use personal information in line with business activities to provide the best possible service, including:

  • Enabling online consultations with chosen service providers from the platform when the user desires it.
  • Creating and providing access to medical records for users, selected service providers, and authorized professionals.
  • Scheduling appointments at partner institutions at the user’s request.
  • Reserving available appointments on the platform on behalf of the user.
  • Notifying about new services and products as per the user’s preference.
  • Communication regarding submitted user requests.
  • Responding to any questions the user may have.
  • Contacting the user in the future via email to inform about new services and products or changes to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

If the user does not wish to receive notifications, they can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to:


We may share data with:

  • Partner clinics: When necessary to schedule an examination or perform necessary analyses on behalf of the user to obtain a final or expert opinion and to commence or continue using the service at one of the partner clinics.
  • Partners: If necessary, to make reservations on behalf of the user via the platform.
  • Business partners: When advertising and selling specific products through the platform, and when it’s necessary to deliver the purchased or paid-for product to the user via the platform.
  • Business partners in-country or abroad: When necessary for maintaining the platform, storing, or further processing personal data in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia.

Additionally, personal data about the user will be available to state authorities in all situations where positive legal regulations require the same data to be made available to state authorities.


Data is stored in a manner that prevents profiling of the person, meaning that names cannot be associated with specific individual data. Instead, each person is assigned an ID known only to PROF.ANI d.o.o. administrators, thus pseudonymizing users.

Pseudonymization means using personal data of users in a way that prevents personal data from being linked to users without additional separately stored information, with technical and organizational measures in place to prevent any possibility of user identification.

All user data is stored on protected, encrypted servers, and access to the data, besides authorized personnel of PROF.ANI d.o.o., is only granted to authorized users or the data owner and the veterinarian to whom the data owner has explicitly granted access for the purpose of providing services on the Frendo platform.

Users of the Frendo platform and all applications owned by PROF.ANI d.o.o. can request the deletion of all their data from the platform and applications at any time.

A deletion request can be sent to, and all data will be deleted upon receipt of the request.


This platform uses cookies to distinguish service users on the platform. Cookies help provide users with a good experience while browsing the platform and also enable improvements to the internet platform.

A cookie is a small file with letters and numbers stored on the user’s browser and computer’s hard drive. Cookies contain information transmitted to the user’s computer’s hard drive. More information about data protection regarding Google Analytics can be found on the Google Analytics website. Collecting and processing data (including user IP address) by Google Analytics can be prevented by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Information collected through cookies is processed and stored on servers managed by Google located in the USA. The user’s IP address will not be associated with other Google data.

The collected information may be transferred to third parties in case of legal obligation or if a third party processes this data on behalf.


There is an option to accept or reject cookies by adjusting settings in the browser.

However, in this case, the user may not be able to use all interactive features of the website and platform if cookies are disabled.

There are many ways to manage cookies. Refer to browser instructions or the help screen to learn more about these features. For example, when using Internet Explorer, you can go to the Tools/Internet Options/Security and Privacy tabs to customize the browser to user expectations. If using different computers in different locations, each browser needs to be configured according to the user’s privacy needs regarding cookies.

Some modern browsers have a feature to analyze the privacy policies of websites and allow the user to manage their privacy needs.

This is known as the ‘P3P’ (Privacy Preferences Platform) feature. It’s possible to delete any cookie located in the cookie directory in the user’s web browser.


Stringent physical, electronic, and administrative security measures are taken to protect user information from unauthorized access as well as from unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage, both in online and offline modes. User information will be retained for a reasonable period or as required by law.


When entering credit card data, confidential information is transmitted over the public network in protected (encrypted) form using XXX protocol and XXX system, employing state-of-the-art cryptographic technology. The XXXXX provider is certified and authorized to work with payment cards.

Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card processor, XXXX, so the entire payment process takes place on XXXXX pages. At no time are credit card data available to our system.

When entering credit card data, confidential information is transmitted over the public network in protected (encrypted) form using SSL protocol and PKI system, employing state-of-the-art cryptographic technology.

Transaction data security is guaranteed by the payment card processor, Banca Intesa ad Beograd, so the entire payment process takes place on the bank’s pages. At no time are credit card data available to our system.

For more information on safeguarding confidential data and privacy policy, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

For all additional payment information or in case of any payment issues, users can contact the platform’s Customer Service, and assistance will be provided in the best possible way.


The service user is obligated to provide accurate information required for the provision of good and efficient service. The user is solely responsible for the accuracy of the provided data, and PROF.ANI d.o.o. bears no responsibility if the user suffers any damages due to providing inaccurate or incorrect data.

It should be noted that the internet represents a global environment, and the use of internet platforms for collecting and processing personal information necessarily involves data transmission worldwide. Therefore, by browsing the Frendo platform and electronically communicating with engaged individuals, the user confirms and agrees to the processing of personal information in this manner.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. implements all necessary as well as reasonable measures to protect against viruses and other harmful components. The nature of the internet is such that it’s not possible to ensure uninterrupted or error-free user access to the website, or that this website, its servers, or the email sent may not contain viruses or other dangerous components.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. also does not assume responsibility for any hacker attacks or viruses from the internet that may compromise the security of user data.


If there are any comments, questions, concerns, or requests regarding the use of personal information by PROF.ANI d.o.o. or questions about these Terms of Use, please contact the platform administrators via the contact details on the Contact page. All questions are welcome, as well as any suggestions that may exist regarding this Notice.

PROF.ANI d.o.o. reserves the right to amend and supplement these Terms of Use. It is the user’s obligation to regularly check the Terms of Use to be informed about their changes and supplements.

Notification will be provided on this website about any major changes within at least 30 days after the change and, if possible, by sending an email notification.